Do not be afraid of writing, but let the soul go down to your fingers; then you will notice the true shape of things, for pictures are the true letters and this has been the truth from time immemorial.
(V. Andonovski, Alphabet for the Disobedient)
Writing journalistic articles, such as reportages, travelogues, descriptions of events, and columns, where more subtle content is noticeable represents the real pleasure for Aleksandra Borštnar Maček. The expressive power of her words and their deep communicativeness can be felt especially in articles where the serious content is filled with joy and joyous life energy.
Treat yourself to an afternoon nap and read a text for pleasure.
Aleksandra Borštnar Maček, born Maček, a professor of German and a university graduate of journalism, began her journalistic career as an “Indijanka” at the weekly newspaper Novi tednik in Celje. Soon after that she began to publish articles and journalistic reportages in magazines Moda in, Pepita, Misteriji and in Šentjurske novice. At Grammar school Jože Plečnik, where she was a trainee, she was encouraging her students to write. Her effort and enthusiasm led to the release of the school newspaper Jože. By editing bilingual dictionaries PONS for the Rokus Klett Publishing, she was creating manuals that help connect people through language. When participating in European projects such as Europazug in Germany and Europeum in Austria, she implemented a noticeable trace of Slovenian national consciousness and her love for the Slovenian word into her international activities.
Nowadays, whenever she finds some spare time, she is devoted to writing reflective columns, where she tries to provide her readers a multifaceted understanding of the world, human beings, human relationships and to promote conscious activities in the spirit of unity of all creation.
Examples of articles published in magazines Pepita, Moda in, Misteriji, Novi tednik and Šentjurske novice (articles in Slovenian language):
- kolumna Kakšno šolo hočemo (Šentjurske novice, junij 2009)
- kolumna o Guzaju (Šentjurske novice, maj 2009)
- kolumna o Veliki noči (Šentjurske novice, april 2009)
- uvodnik ob letu atronomije (Spika, marec 2009)
- kolumna o letu astronomije (Šentjurske novice, februar 2009)
- intervju s patrom Karlom o megalitskih odkritjih (Šentjurske novice, januar 2009)
- prispevek o zdravljenju z energijami (Misteriji, julij 2008)
- kolumna o slovenski besedi (Šentjurske novice, junij 2008)
- kolumna o partnerskem odnosu (Šentjurske novice, marec 2008)
- kolumna o vzgoji otrok (Šentjurske novice, april 2008)
- prispevek o Astronomski noči na Prevorju (Šentjurske novice, avgust 2008)
- kolumna o vodi (Šentjurske novice, julij 2008)
- kolumna o valentinovem (Šentjurske novice, februar 2008)
- kolumna o valentinovem (Šentjurske novice, februar 2007)
- kolumna o ljubezni do knjig (Šentjurske novice, december 2006)
- prispevek o pohodništvu (Šentjurske novice, maj 2008)
- prispevek o Guzajevi zapuščini (Šentjurske novice, junij 2008)
- prispevek o žegnanju konj (Šentjurske novice, avgust 2008)
- intervju z direktorjem Kozjanskega parka (Šentjurske novice, oktober 2008)
- prispevek o študiju v tujini (Pepita, avgust 2008)
- kultura na Ljubljanskem gradu (Moda in, 2001)
- reportaža o Norveški (Pepita, oktober 2003)
- prispevek o dobrodelni prireditvi Lyons kluba Celje (Pepita, junij 2002)
- prispevek o navtičnih družabnih večerih v Ljubljani (Pepita, junij 2002)
Publications in international journals:
- prispevek o izobraževanju v Evropi (PolitikOrange, april 2006)
- prispevek o nastajanju novih slovarjev (Schaurein, junij 2006)
- uvodnik v glasilu Alles Klar (julij 2003)
If you want to bring some freshness in your media, please, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call us on +386 (0) 41-763-031.
We will be happy to prepare articles discussing the desired contents for you.
Newspaper columns and articles
Professional article about Current PONS German-Slovenian dictionary , edited by Aleksandra Maček (Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia journal MOSTOVI: Mojca M. Hocevar, 2006)
Interview with Alexandra Maček about PONS dictionaries
(ORF radio station, April 2009)
Presentation of PONS dictionaries in Austria
(Novice, April 2009)
Večjezični informativno-turistični portal o Guzaju
(Šentjurske novice, 9. November 2011)